'The London Olympics consciously set out to build nature into the overall design …. The Olympic Village is fringed with wetland and wet woodlands, topped up with water from the roof-tops …. The wetlands are a magnet for wildlife'
- What Has Nature Ever Done For Us? How Money Really Does Grow On Trees by Tony Juniper
'The proposal represents a strong vision for a sustainable and liveable future, promoting public health and social cohesion through thoughtful and intelligent new public spaces and connections that are designed to integrate the best in modern technologies that look to integrate water, waste and energy management'.
- The Landscape Institute judging panel (Church Street and Paddington Green)
'We would like to take this opportunity to thank Capita Symonds and Biodiversity By Design, on their exemplar approach to this development [Berewood]. The scheme is now in Natural England’s ‘Planning Hall of Fame’ and we look forward to working with you as the scheme is implemented.'
- Natural England (Berewood)
'The Woolston Riverside redevelopment in Southampton [Centenary Quay] and the West of Waterlooville Major Development Area [primarily the Berewood development - BBD] have been cited as examples of good practice relating to the incorporation of GI and habitat creation within new development in the sub-region'
- Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (Berewood & Centenary Quay)
'Mersing and its surrounding islands are well positioned to become a great eco-tourism attraction, in accordance with the Rainforest to Reef (R2R) concept. The R2R concept seamlessly links all products, assets and development, from the Endau-Rompin National Park to world-class beaches, islands and reefs off the coast of Mersing.'
- New Straits Times, August 2016 (Endau Rompin)
'The proposal has the potential to deliver considerable biodiversity enhancements with the additional prospect of committed resources to permit ongoing maintenance and management in order to secure those enhancements in perpetuity.'
- RSPB (Silverlake)
'What’s impressed me most is the amount of preparatory work that has gone into this with the local authority and Natural England. This scheme will improve a pretty unattractive quarry site.'
- Richard Drax, MP for South Dorset (Silverlake)
'The level of support from Crossways residents was unusual for such a large scale development.'
- Crossways Parish Councillor Nigel Bundy (Silverlake)
'Of all the ecologists I have worked with in 30 years of professional life I would like to promote Dr Mike Wells as a great example of an ecologist who understands how to inform, enthuse and encourage landscape architects and also, when needed, to challenge and question their ideas. Mike has a particular ability to think outside the usual confines of ecology and science to find inspiring ecological options and I want more ecologists to be similarly creative in their way of thinking because we need a step change in the way we work on city planning and design issues.'
- The globally celebrated Landscape Architect Andrew Grant talks about director Director Mike Wells in his contribution to the Nature of Cities website
'Biodiversity by Design and Grant Associates made more progress developing a credible masterplan for Lei Yue Mun Waterfront in two months than was achieved in the previous two years’
- Lai Sun Development Corporation (Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Regeneration)
'We have worked with the developers to address the biodiversity issues at the site and we are happy that there will be a net gain in the biodiversity on the site through the development. I am impressed with the level of professionalism by the team putting together the application.'
- Andrew Bell North Devon Biosphere Reserve Coordinator and Service Manager