
Berewood is a new housing and landscape initiative for 2,550 homes in the West of Waterlooville Major Development Area. We have supported this development from baseline field survey, through planning and now during detailed design and construction.

We have supported this development from baseline field survey, through planning and subsequently during detailed design and construction.

Our early involvement in support of outline planning included eco-masterplanning, production of the ecological contributions to the Environmental Statement and evidence to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment. We then provided detailed ecological design inputs for subsequent Reserved Matters Applications. All our design inputs have been based on thorough ecological inventory of the project site and appropriate local reference habitats. Our proposals have embraced the concept of multifunctional ‘eco-urbanism,’ whereby all landscape element serve as many environmental, social and economic functions as possible. We have secured European Protected Species licences as required, to enable smooth progression of the scheme. We have also contributed to the long-term management plan for the whole development area and have undertaken relevant long-term specialist ecological monitoring.

Key proposals associated with the scheme which we have informed ecologically have included: ca.100ha of green infrastructure (roughly half the Site); protection and significant expansion of all woodland; creation of two new Community Nature Reserves - each 17ha in size; restoration of the River Wallington; ecological restoration of the 3.9ha ‘Newlands Meadow’; an ecologically rich Town Park and other biodiverse amenity spaces (including ponds, woodland, hedgerows and species-rich grasslands) and a network of attractive biodiverse sustainable drainage systems.


Ultimate Client

Proximate Client

Design Team Leader

Landscape Architect
Fabrik, Grant Associates

Civil Engineer
Mayer Brown


Site Area
Greater than 100 Hectares

'We would like to take this opportunity to thank Capita Symonds and Biodiversity By Design, on their exemplar approach to this development [Berewood]. The scheme is now in Natural England’s ‘Planning Hall of Fame’ and we look forward to working with you as the scheme is implemented.'
- Natural England

'The Woolston Riverside redevelopment in Southampton [Centenary Quay - BbD project] and the West of Waterlooville Major Development Area [Berewood development - BBD project] have been cited as examples of good practice relating to the incorporation of GI and habitat creation within new development in the sub-region'
- Green Infrastructure Strategy for the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire